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Happy Thanksgiving from Father Tom

Dear Friends,


A Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!


Though the last year sees us much-improved in many ways (especially regarding the health situation and the isolation caused by that!), there is always a reason to pause and give thanks to God for the blessings that come to us in so many ways.


This past year and a half has been filled with challenges and stress, but rising from that has been a more clear vision of who we are (and can be) as a family of faith. Among the many things I would offer thanks to God for are the wonderful people of our parish who have stepped forward to respond as best they can to the needs that have arisen. Have our responses been perfect? Probably not, but the attempt to meet needs is worth acknowledging. And it is by His grace that we have not given up, but continue to work to bring us to a better place, despite the challenges. I think we’ve actually done pretty well with the hand we have been dealt!


I know that I count myself blessed to be able to work with such a dedicated and devoted staff. Their devotion to our parish is just amazing! They never seem to say no to whatever needs arise, even when the task might seem impossible. It is their faith that allows them to do this, and God’s grace that brings to fruition their many efforts.


We are blessed by parishioners that also keep going, even when fear has touched their hearts. The whole last year has seen us resume most of our activities and start new ones even! The fruit of all this is apparent in so many ways, but most of all by the tone and attitude of those involved – they are filled with hope and energy, which is contagious and sustaining to us all.


Though I might be overstating this just a little, we are somewhat like the early Pilgrims. Having been through a difficult time, they remembered to give thanks for what good things they had received, while continuing to hope in and work for an even better future. I really think that is where we are right now, and that hope is what I especially give thanks for this year.


May God bless us all with family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving with, and keep us remembering that the task is to thank Him. In doing so we will open ourselves to receive further blessings and strength, which I can assure you is His desire for us. May God bless us all this year and always!


In Christ,

Fr. Tom

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