ECHO — Encountering Christ in Others — has been active on Cape Cod and the Islands for forty-nine years. This Christian weekend retreat program, under the auspices of the Fall River Diocese, is open to all high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are seeking to deepen their faith, enhance their relationship with God, and learn something about themselves.
Six separate retreat weekends are offered each year beginning in October and ending in April; three for young men and three for young women. The weekends are held at the Craigville Conference Center in Centerville, MA.
A team of adults, teenagers, and spiritual directors spend months in preparation for each weekend and then facilitate the three-day retreats.
Our own Father Tom is on the Board of Directors for ECHO and will be on team for the next two retreats occurring in January and February 2019. Scholarship money is available. Ask Father Tom. Join him!
For more info, go to www.echoofcapecod.org