Dear Friends,
As our parish begins its second year of operations since issuing the Parish Pastoral Plan many positive changes have already happened and some new ones are planned this year. One good example of this is the start up of community dinners. The dinner will be held quarterly and host up to 120 adults and children. It is a great way to enjoy the company of family and friends, meet new people and the best part is: you don’t have to clean up afterwards! In addition we are looking at ways to better serve our families and the youth of our parish. Surely, this is an exciting time to be a part of St. John the Evangelist and contribute to the sense of community and fellowship!
Included in this report are more details about what our parish accomplished the last year and how your contributions supported these efforts. Each week you can find Acts 2:42 in our Newsletter: “They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers.” The result we are told in the Acts is thriving communities of faith. The Church thrives when it does what it has been doing for the 2,000 years.
We continue to operate with a deficit in our operating budget. Our greatest challenges are the loss of Bingo and a new diocesan assessment. The assessment goes to fund the central administration of the Diocese of Fall River. There are important services that the parish depends upon from that administration, such as legal services, diocesan tribunal, the Bishop’s Office and the insurance office. We begin the new fiscal year with no Bingo funds at all in our projected revenue and an assessment bill of $43,000. One of the goals of our Pastoral Plan is to achieve a balanced budget by 2019. The good news is we are well on our way! Last year’s annual appeal doubled from the previous year, and our first collection increased 8%. The increases we have experienced in the first collection the last three years reflects an increase in Mass attendance as well as an expression of your commitment to the parish. I am humbled by your generosity and trust and continue to thank God for the gift of St. John the Evangelist Parish to the Church and the community.
As we continue to move forward, the Finance Council, Kelley Spodris (our Pastoral Associate for Administration) and myself continue to meet regularly to minimize our expenses and to ensure our financial resources are being utilized in the most efficient way possible. In addition, we continue to implement the goals and objectives of the Parish Pastoral Plan by putting into place new initiatives and ministries to better serve the community and families of Bourne.
I invite you to look over this report and to prayerfully discern how you can be a part of the efforts happening here, either through your time, treasure or talent, or a combination of these!
Once again, I thank you for your generosity and support of St. John’s and ask you to continue to pray for me and our parish family. Please know of my continued prayers for you and your loved ones.
(Rev.) David C. Frederici
Weekly Offering: $245,153
Annual Appeal: 59,986
Other Collections 27,577
Second Collections: 50,687
Fees, Holy Days, Other: 151,017
Assessment In: 10,527
Transfers/Parish Account 35,520
Total Operating Income: $580,467
Clergy/Office Sal & Parish Admin: $180,908
Cantors & Liturgical Suppl: 105,879
Rectory/Church/Parish Center Exp: 103,541
Religious Ed Sal & Suppl: 65,367
Benefits/Pension & Payroll Taxes 59,501
Extraordinary Repairs 59,943
Assessment Expenses: 21,534
Transfers/Parish Accounts 35,520
Total Operating Expense: $632,193
Some highlights:
The Weekly Offertory for 2015-2016 brought in $19,257 or 8.5%, more than 2014-2015.
The average weekly collection for 2015-2016 was 4,714, up $370 from 2014-2015.
The Weekly Offertory for 2015-2016 brought in $19,257 or 8.5%, more than 2014-2015.
The Annual Appeal ended the year up $25,551, or 74.2%, from last year. 231 families contributed to the Annual in 2015-2016, up 92 from FY 15.
The second collection for the Assessment brought in $10,527 while the Assessment expenses were $21,534.
We were able to cover the entire cost of our missals with memorial donations!
16 catechists gave their time graciously so that. . .
217 children participated in the faith formation program.
29 children received their First Penance and First Communion.
40 teens and 2 adults affirmed their faith through the Sacrament of
3 adults were welcomed into the Catholic faith through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
The addition of Bible Study and Book Clubs for adults throughout the year has helped to remind us that we are life-long learners of faith!
1,115 families (2,577 parishioners) are registered in the parish. We have had 60 new families register over the last year.
Last fall, we saw a 10% increase in Mass attendance!
6 couples and families celebrated life through the Sacrament of Marriage.
We celebrated a Mass of Christian Burial for 27 of our brothers and sisters in faith.
24 babies began their faith journey through the Sacrament of Baptism.
Over 25 Eucharistic Ministers made weekly visits to Bourne Manor, Cape Cod Senior Residences, Pocasset Mental Health Center, and Gosnold on Cape Cod.