Solar Panel Project
Dear Friends,
Is it just me, or did this summer disappear faster than usual? (Please don’t tell me if it’s just me!) I was always told that if time is running quickly then you’re having a good time. I must be having a ball!
Earlier this year I spoke about our project to install solar panels on the Welcome Center, and promised to get back with more information as the actual installation date drew near. Well, here I am again, and though we don’t have a firm certain date, the company is telling us it is happening very soon. With this in mind, some details:
The size of the installation should cover almost all of our power needs, allowing for the fluctuations that take place from season to season. The biggest draw is air conditioning (no surprise to many of you with homes!). Other than the warmer months, the panels will provide a surfeit of power, the credit for which we can share among all three of our parish buildings (Church, Rectory, and Welcome Center). Because of sun angles and day length, other than in the summer, they produce less total energy each winter day, but still more than is used at most times. With that said, the payback predicted at installation is about 8 years, though I suspect that current electrical rates will change, allowing for a shorter payback period. After the payback, we are essentially getting free electricity, though I am sure there will be some kind of maintenance as time goes on. (Nothing is ever really free, right?)
The cost of the installation is around $120,000. We currently have that amount (plus more) in our Diocesan Depository account, given over the years by those who wanted to see St. John’s prosper and grow. It is from that account that we will be drawing on for this. It is, however, in my mind that I would love to see us able to rebuild that account for the more distant future, so that other large projects could also be considered as they arise.
The reason I am sharing all this is to offer you an opportunity to support the parish in an ongoing fashion. I often get questions about how a family could offer some kind of gift to memorialize a loved one, or just to show their appreciation for the parish. This would be a truly great way to invest in the future viability of our parish. That is why I am asking you to consider helping us replenish the funds for the times ahead.
I am aware that we are currently in our Annual Appeal process, but these panels will provide a long-term gift to the parish, and the memorialization of those who support this will be a legacy to be remembered for years to come.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and prayerfully considering helping us. Please feel free to talk to me about any questions you may have. As I’m sure you can tell I am very excited about the blessings this project will bring to us all, and only too glad to answer your inquiries. Thanks and God bless!
In Christ,
Fr. Tom