Get Inspired!
"Faith opens the way before us and accompanies our steps through time. Hence, if we want to understand what faith is, we need to follow the route it has taken, the path trodden by believers, as witnessed first in the Old Testament. Here a unique place belongs to Abraham, our father in faith. Something disturbing takes place in his life: God speaks to him; he reveals himself as a God who speaks and calls his name. Faith is linked to hearing. Abraham does not see God, but hears his voice. Faith thus takes on a personal aspect.
God is not the god of a particular place, or a deity linked to specific sacred time, but the God of a person, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, capable of interacting with man and establishing a covenant with him.
Faith is our response to a word which engages us personally, to a "Thou" who calls us by name." Pope Francis, Lumen Fidei, 29 June, 2013.
Experience the Beauty of Daily and Weekend Mass
The prayer of the family of faith, the proclamation of the Word of God and the reception of the Eucharist unites us as the body of Christ and transforms us in such a way that we become the instruments of Christ in the world. The Mass is the most sacred action of the Church and the most important prayer in the life of the Catholic. For this reason, the Church says that the liturgy must involve the “full, conscious and active participation” of all the faithful. This means the priest doesn’t “say Mass”, the Mass isn’t an action that depends solely on the priest, lectors, servers and music ministry. What determines a vibrant worthy worship is the involvement of all the people of God: ordained laity—those who are altar servers, readers, cantors or sitting in the pews.
Whether you were born in the parish, haven't "been to church" in awhile, or are new to the faith, we strive to be a warm and welcoming parish. It's a joyous experience and we hope you will join us!
Daily Mass
Monday-Thursday 7:30 AM
No Mass on Friday
Saturday 8 AM
Winter Schedule
Saturday Vigil 4 PM
Sunday 8 AM, 10:30 AM
Men's Spirituality
The Men’s Spirituality Group at Saint John the Evangelist Parish strives to provide a safe environment in which Catholic men of all ages can talk openly about their struggles and insecurities in the context of their faith. Individuals are presented with the opportunity to connect with other men, share stories and faith experiences. We are not currently meeting, but if you are interested, please contact Fr. Tom at 508-563-5887 ext. 107.
Experience the Power of Prayer and Meditation!
Daily Scripture Readings: We are happy to provide the Daily Scripture readings here and on our Facebook page.
Have you prayed the Rosary lately? If not, join us for a virtual refresher course!
Pope Francis says: Praying the Rosary prepares our hearts to receive God's grace and teaches us to place ourselves in the hands of God, allowing him to guide our steps along the path of our faith journey. Praying the Rosary allows us to make room for God, to glorify his name, and to make him truly present in our lives. Visit our Rosary page >>
Divine Mercy:
From Marian.org As Fr. Seraphim Michalenko, MIC, is fond of saying, "The Divine Mercy message and devotion is the largest grassroots movement in the history of the Catholic Church." And the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception and our Marian Helpers have been at the heart of it since 1941, hardly three years after the death of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, the Lord's "secretary" of Divine Mercy. Visit Marian.org to learn more >>
The Divine Mercy Chaplet is a relatively simple prayer that invokes the mercy of God. By memorizing a few short, simple lines, you will be able to pray the chaplet meditatively and from the heart. The Divine Mercy Chaplet in prayed on normal rosary beads and takes approximately 5 minutes to pray, so literally anyone can find the time to pray it.
Visit the Divine Mercy Ministries for a quick explanation of how to the pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet >>
Take Five for Faith: Take just five minutes today with Prepare the Word's Take Five for Faith. Daily meditations will inform you, challenge you, and transform you! Visit our TFF page >>
Saint John the Evangelist Store
We have put together many resources for you to get inspired in the faith! Visit our SJE Store >>