An Important Message from Father Tom
Dear Friends,
Dear Friends,
I am not sure when you are reading this, so I am keeping this in mind as I write.
We received word on June 8 th that the New England Bishops are lifting the dispensation
for the weekend Mass obligation as of June 19 th (Father’s Day weekend).
We are, of course, pleased to be called back to our usual way of doing things, and a
return to being the community we are meant to be. Bishop da Cunha’s letter announcing this is
available where you are reading this. (Please be sure to read it for the wonderful context he
offers in the making of this decision!)
In our parish, however, I do not feel we are ready quite yet to embrace this invitation.
We still have a few things to prepare in the church, and with the seasonal change in our schedule not happening until after the date he gave, I do not feel that our parishioners, in general, will be comfortable with this happening so quickly.
With that in mind I am dispensing our parishioners from the Sunday Mass obligation
until July 10 th (the weekend after July 4 th) . This will allow us to more comfortably accommodate those who are still somewhat uneasy at gathering in larger groups, as well as to be sure our worship space is properly prepared to provide all that we usually do (such as Missalettes and Prayer Cards, and other things as well).
The call to return is a welcome one, and I am so pleased to see us returning to some sense of normal. The past few weeks have been joy-filled for me (and many others, too) as we see people we have missed face-to-face, and recognizing the power of the community to bring
strength and joy to us all.
For those who may think I am somehow resisting our Bishop in this matter, please know that nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the Bishop has placed great trust in his pastors to know our people’s needs and sensitivities, and to respond properly to them. I believe he will be pleased that I have paid close attention to who we are here, and offered you the space and time necessary to allow for a truly grace-filled return to this community’s gathering to worship.
Please know that this dispensation only applies to St. John’s parishioners. My authority in this matter is very strictly limited to our parish only, as that is the family of faith I am
entrusted to serve.
Finally, please be sure to read the Bishop’s letter (link below), not only for his exposition of why we are obliged to attend Mass and its blessings, but also because he makes clear that many of you reading this are already dispensed due to health concerns, and for other reasons, from attending Sunday Mass. Please know he offers this advice so that you may be at peace when you find yourself unable to attend Mass for the reasons he elucidates. His letter communicates well his compassion and concern for us all, and we thank him for it.
Continued blessings to us all as we move forward under God’s protective grace!
In Christ,
Fr. Tom
Click here for Bishop da Cunha's letter regarding the reinstatement of the obligation to go to Mass in person.
Many have asked about Confessions: still canceled until further notice, however…from Pope Francis:
“I know that many of you go to confession before Easter… Many will say to me: ‘But Father…I can't leave the house and I want to make my peace with the Lord. I want Him to embrace me… How can I do that unless I find a priest?’. Do what the catechism says. It's very clear. If you don't find a priest to go to confession, speak to God. He's your Father. Tell Him the truth: ‘Lord. I did this and this and this. Pardon me.’ Ask His forgiveness with all your heart with an act of contrition, and promise Him, ‘afterward I will go to confession.’ You will return to God's grace immediately. You yourself can draw near, as the catechism teaches us, to God's forgiveness, without having a priest at hand.”
Thanks to BourneTV, Comcast channel 13, our previous week’s Mass is now on twice a week:
Saturday 3 PM
Sunday 3:30 PM
There may be other times, as space and programming needs allow, that the Mass will air. Check their listings. Please help spread the word to parishioners without computers!
† The Rosary is said in person and on the live stream:
Typical schedule, unless otherwise noted:
Monday-Thursday at 6:50 AM and Friday/Saturday at 7:30 AM
† The church will be open for prayer and reflection Monday – Saturday from 8 AM –
3:30 PM
†. The Welcome Center is open Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, & Fri. 9-1 PM
† There will be worship aids available for the Sacred Triduum. Check back closer to Easter.
† Did you know you can subscribe to our weekly Newsletter? You can have a copy delivered each week to your email inbox. Follow this link and click on the “subscribe” button You can always view the Newsletter without subscribing, and it will also be available near the church doors during the hours the church is open.
† The live stream should be refreshed when you want to view Mass or another event? The icon looks something like a circle with an arrowhead on it. This is especially important if you see the dreaded “Broadcast is currently offline” message. Try refreshing first. If that doesn’t work, close whichever browser you are using and try to reconnect with the live stream
† If you are having trouble getting the live stream to go to a full screen, find “Click here” above the picture and click there It will take you to the host website and you can view (and enlarge) there.
† We send email blasts using Constant Contact. If you haven’t received emails from us, please email Patty at and she will see that you’re added to the list.
† If you use Facebook, go to and “LIKE”
† Check back on the website often as things are changing pretty rapidly and we want you to stay up-to-the-minute!
Be well and God bless!