Our Mission and Vision Statement
Mission: We are a Roman Catholic family of faith that seeks to help one another to love The Lord with all our hearts and our neighbors as ourselves. Our life centers on the Eucharist and the sacramental life of the Church. From these encounters we seek to be Christ's eyes, hands, voice and heart in the world. We warmly welcome visitors, seekers and anyone who is curious about faith, Church and God; we rejoice with the Lord when returning brothers and sisters join us at the Table.
Vision: We seek to profess our faith in the risen Jesus Christ in word and action through the following tasks:
1. Worship and Praise of Jesus Christ. In addition to the celebration of the Eucharist, we gather for other experiences of prayer and worship throughout the week. While we profess one Creed in the Triune God, we recognize that there are different spiritualties and devotions within Catholicism that help people enter into an encounter with the Risen Jesus. We value this diversity and seek to provide opportunities for them to be shared.
2. Faith Formation. We seek to provide opportunities to grow in our knowledge and understanding of God, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit throughout our lifelong Journey of Faith.
3. Community. This last area has two focuses. In response to Jesus’ words that he is present when two or three gather in His name, we seek to provide opportunities for members of the family of faith and others who wish to gather for fellowship and support. As good stewards of God’s graces, we put faith into action by utilizing the gifts and talents embodied by our family of faith, so that we may be Christ to our brothers, sisters and neighbors in their times of need. Above all, we place our trust in God as we seek to share the mercy, love and faith of Jesus Christ with all who are open to His message.