Parish Life Ministries enhance the feeling of fellowship here at St. John's. If you are interested in serving, please contact the Welcome Center.
Prayer Shawl Ministry:
The Prayer Shawl Ministry members knit or crochet shawls that are given to persons who are ill, have suffered a loss, or are in the midst of a life crisis. The group currently meets every Wednesday from 9:00 am to 10:00 am in the Parish Center to work on shawls and pray for the recipients of their work. St. John's Prayer Shawl Ministry is one that is simple, universal and has an enduring message of caring. The creation and presentation of a prayer shawl, like all acts of generosity, enriches the giver as well as the recipients. Compassion and the love of knitting/crocheting have been combined into a prayerful way of passing on love and joy. Many blessings are prayed into every prayer shawl.
Shawls can be used during prayer or meditation; while undergoing medical procedures; during an illness and recovery; while ministering to others; as a comfort after a loss or in times of stress; and during bereavement.
The making of a prayer shawl is a spiritual practice which embodies our thoughts and prayers for the receiver. It is a gift freely given with no strings attached. Made in prayer, the shawls are passed on hand-to-hand and heart-to-heart. Before giving it away, the maker says a prayer over the shawl, remembering the one who will receive this gift. The Pastor also blesses each shawl.
Respect Life Ministry:
The mission of the Pro-Life/Respect Life Ministry is to promote a "Culture of Life" where all people are regarded as sacred gifts from God from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death. Through pro-life education, evangelization, catechesis, pastoral outreach, works of charity, and public policy formulation and awareness, the Pro-Life Ministry promotes the establishment of a culture of life that respects and supports the sacredness of human life.
Cub Scouts
Cub Scouting weaves lifetime values into fun and educational activities designed to assist parents in strengthening character, developing good citizenship, and enhancing physical fitness in youth. But boys don’t join Cub Scouts to get their character built, they join to have fun! Some of the fun activities may include –
Pinewood Derby races
Service Projects
Awards and ceremonies
Chuckwagon Derby
USS Salem sleepover
Museum of Science sleepover
Fishing Derby & Camping
Learn more and Sign Up!!
Contact Cheryl Davidson, Cubmaster
Phone: 774-302-4017
Email: nzdreams@ix.netcom.com
Women's Guild:
The Women's Guild is open to all women of the parish. Its purpose is to unite the women of St. John's to work together for the glory of God, and the spiritual growth and material good of the parish. The Guild provides opportunities that promote service, friendship, and sociability in addition to promoting fund-raising projects to fulfill financial needs of the Guild and its charitable service projects.
The Guild meets September through May. We additionally have activities throughout the year including: Rummage Sale, Potluck Dinner, Mass with Communion Breakfast, St. Patrick's Day Dinner, Benediction and Tea, and we end the year in June with a dinner at a local restaurant.
55 and Older Luncheons-Now Named "The Lunch Bunch":
The Lunch Bunch's mission is to respond to the specific needs of a group of parishioners, 55 and over. We come together in meal for the purpose of providing community, faith, love and support. This group generally meets on Tuesday of each week, September through May for fellowship, lunch, and entertainment. We start every meeting with a good will donation, prayer, and lunch. We follow up with a joke, monthly birthday celebration, and a raffle. In an effort to show our sincere appreciation for the many years of service this group has provided our parish, volunteers are needed in the areas of phone calling, set up, food preparation, foodservice, clean up, and entertainment.