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Wednesday April 22, 2020  7:30 AM, 

Wednesday  of the Second Week of Easter

Beginning with the Thursday April 23 Mass, simply click on the date to watch 

Monday April 20, 2020  7:30 AM, 

Monday of the Second Week of Easter

Tuesday April 21, 2020  7:30 AM, 

Tuesday  of the Second Week of Easter

Sunday April 12, 2020  7:30 AM, 

Easter Sunday of the Lord's Resurrection

Tuesday April 7, 2020  7:30 AM,  Tuesday of Holy Week

Sunday April 5, 2020  9:00 AM,  Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

Wednesday April 1, 2020  7:30 AM,  Wednesday of 5th Week of Lent

Monday March 30, 2020  7:30 AM,  Monday of 5th Week of Lent

Thursday March 26, 2020  7:30 AM  Thursday of 4th Week of Lent

Tuesday March 24, 2020  7:30 AM  Tuesday of 4th Week of Lent

Sunday March 22, 2020  9 AM  4th Sunday of Lent

Sunday April 19, 2020  9:00 AM,  Second Sunday of Easter

Wednesday April 8, 2020  7:30 AM,  Wednesday of Holy Week

Monday April 6, 2020  7:30 AM,  Monday of Holy Week

Thursday April 2, 2020  7:30 AM,  Thursday of 5th Week of Lent

Tuesday March 31, 2020  7:30 AM,  Tuesday of 5th Week of Lent

Saturday March 28, 2020  4:00 PM  Vigil Mass  of 5th Week of Lent

Wednesday March 25, 2020  7:30 AM  Solemnity of the Annunciation

Monday March 23, 2020  7:30 AM  Monday of 4th Week of Lent

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