As Catholics, we know that faith is a life-long journey. We also can sometimes be overwhelmed with the vast amount of books, tapes, websites, etc that are out there. We have added some of our favorite resources here.
We encourage you to use the following tools as you join us on the journey...
Take Five for Faith

Daily Scripture Readings
TAKE FIVE FOR FAITH is a simple and effective way to keep yourself inspired and informed each morning with well-crafted reflections with scripture tie-ins that draw on the rich teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church.
Filled with wisdom, insight, and humor and written by trusted Catholic authors, Take Five for Faith is a simple and fruitful way to keep you focused on faith at the start of your day.
You can view, download, and print the readings on the Weekly Readings page.
SJE Store

Visit our Welcome Center and Parish Store for gifts for all occasions, as well as resources to grow in your faith.

Have you prayed the Rosary lately? If not, here’s a refresher course!
Pope Francis says: Praying the Rosary prepares our hearts to receive God's grace and teaches us to place ourselves in the hands of God, allowing him to guide our steps along the path of our faith journey. Praying the Rosary allows us to make room for God, to glorify his name, and to make him truly present in our lives.