Our new session begins on Thursday, September 22 at 10 AM
Our Lord assured us that those who mourn are blessed, and that they shall be comforted.
Seasons of Hope helps us come together to share God’s love. With the support of our Faith Community, we give voice to our unique journeys of grief and find healing and spiritual growth.
The sessions help us explore mourning through scripture, prayer, reflection activities and faith sharing. Seasons of Hope is centered on Jesus Christ and grounded in the healing wisdom, traditions and practices of the Catholic Church. (Note: you do not have to be a Catholic or a Catholic in good standing to join.)
For those of you who are searching for Our Lord in the midst of your grief, Seasons of Hope is a nurturing link to the Church, the Almighty and people who truly understand what it is to be brokenhearted.
Please contact us at the SJE Welcome Center by phone or email for more information.